
Dr. Yurii L. Kovalenko's teaching experience spans more than two decades, during which he has consistently refined his pedagogical methods to meet the evolving needs of environmental education. He offers a range of courses designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in ecology, environmental protection, and sustainable resource management.

Textbooks and Study Guides

Kovalenko, Yu.L. (2000) 'Air Environment of the City.' In Ecology of the City (Ed. Stolberg F.V.), Kyiv: Libra, pp. 166-212.

Kovalenko, Yu.L. (2004) 'Development of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Western European Countries.' In Polymer Waste in Municipal Economy (Eds. Babaev V.N., Korinko I.V., Shutenko L.N.), Kharkiv, pp. 84-103.

Educational and Methodological Materials

Kovalenko, Yu.L. (2021) Regulatory Framework for Environmental Protection Activities: Lecture Notes.

Kovalenko, Yu.L., Telyura, N.O. (2021) Methodological Guidelines and Assignments for Practical Classes and Independent Work on the 'Regulatory Framework for Environmental Protection Activities'.

Kovalenko, Yu.L. (2020) Environmental Monitoring: Lecture Notes.

Kovalenko, Yu.L., Dmytrenko, T.V. (2020) Methodological Guidelines for Laboratory Work in 'Applied Fluid and Gas Mechanics'.

Current Courses

Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Legislation and Environmental Expertise

Ecological and Energy Security of Cities & Renewable Energy

Engineering and Ecological Assessment of City Infrastructure Resilience to Climate Change

Natural Processes in the Geosphere

Ecological Expertise and Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Documentation

Technologies for Developing Environmental Protection Projects

Electronic Courses in the Moodle Distance Learning System

Ecological and Energy Security of Cities & Renewable Energy

Engineering-Ecological Assessment of City Infrastructure Resilience to Climate Change

Contact Information

Email: yurii.kovalenko@kname.edu.ua
Alternative email: kovalenkoy55@gmail.com